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Children's Books

Mighty Miles

Autism is a disorder that is not contagious just different. The person with Autism have different ways of learning, paying attention and or reacting to things. The fact that a person is different from another person, especially a child, should not result in the acceptance of being disrespected. The dose of unconditional love is something everyone should experience.

Children's Books

Cotton Candy

The conversation that can be difficult to discuss with your little ones. What ?Where? Why? The feelings, the emotions and the possibilities that take place when your love ones are no longer here. This book will calm the storm and allow the ones left behind to live on…

Children's Books

Me and My Beautiful Me

Some children struggle with their skin. You know, that part that makes them feel uncomfortable when they are around others that are not just like them. The shades, the tones, and the textures of their own skin. To be happy with your own skin, you have to be happy first within. Start the healing process with 'Me and My Beautiful Me'. The book 'Me and My Beautiful Me' sets the proper expectations for girls and boys to know, it is ok, to be different. It is ok, to look just like me! I am Great, just the way that God created Me to be!

The 'Me and My Beautiful Me' book builds confidence in boys and girls. The confidence will then produce 'positive productivity' that is much needed in the world today.

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Children's Books

Me and My Hair

Little girls with high self-esteem are more likely to excel in life. 'Me and My Hair' encourages young girls to love themselves just the way they are, and to love their natural hair – every curl, coil, twist, and straight strand. When girls feel good about themselves, they are more likely to form positive relationships, be good citizens, and embrace scholastic achievement. 'Me and My Hair' is beautifully illustrated to encourage “positive productivity” in little girls for generations to come.

Two Friends


A great book for young girls who are struggling to accept their God given natural hair. It can be a thing such as hair that can make young girls or any age woman feel that they are not fearfully and wonderfully made and that is just NOT true! God formed us and makes NO mistakes! Thank you for writing this book!​

- Raven Johnson​

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